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Recognising and Addressing Arthritis in Dogs: Keep an Eye on These Indications

Recognising and Addressing Arthritis in Dogs: Keep an Eye on These Indications

Understanding Canine Osteoarthritis: Canine osteoarthritis, or degenerative joint disease, involves the erosion of joint cartilage, fluid accumulation within the joint, and the development of new bone around the joint. These factors contribute to pain, diminished joint mobility, and impaired functionality in dogs.

Causes of Canine Osteoarthritis: While the exact cause of osteoarthritis in dogs is not always clear, potential factors include injury, infection, immune system responses, obesity, inadequate nutrition, and abnormal joint formations (as seen in hip dysplasia). This prevalent condition affects about a quarter of dogs, with large breeds being more susceptible. Moreover, arthritis is a progressive ailment, worsening over time without intervention.

Signs of Arthritis in Dogs: Identifying arthritis in dogs may not involve overt expressions of pain. Subtle behavioural changes to watch for include:

  • Limping after exercise
  • Limited ability to walk long distances, accompanied by slower movement
  • Difficulty rising after lying down
  • Impaired jumping ability
  • Struggles with stairs
  • Stiffness
  • Increased irritability

These behavioural shifts, often overlooked as normal aging, necessitate careful observation from pet owners. Since veterinarians can't witness a dog's natural behaviour at home, your observations play a vital role in diagnosis.

Diagnosing Dog Arthritis: Professional physical examination and home observations, veterinarians may employ X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or computed tomography (CT) for a conclusive diagnosis.

Treatment Approaches for Osteoarthritis in Dogs: While canine arthritis lacks a cure, it can be effectively managed with a three-part strategy:

  • Pain Management: Foundational to treatment, pain control enhances a dog's comfort and facilitates exercise. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories, like carprofen, are common medications. Holistic options such as acupuncture, laser therapy, and supplements like omega-3 fatty acids may also be considered.
  • Weight Control: Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial to slowing disease progression, reducing pressure on painful joints, and mitigating inflammation. Veterinarians can help design a tailored plan, potentially involving prescription diets.
  • Regular, Low-Impact Exercise: Exercise is vital for joint health, but modifications may be necessary for dogs with osteoarthritis. Controlled walks on a leash are recommended, and veterinarians can offer guidance on safe and motivating activities.

Adapting Your Home for Arthritic Dogs: Simple adjustments to enhance a dog's comfort include:

  • Providing warm, supportive bedding
  • Installing ramps or stairs for furniture access
  • Using raised food and water bowls
  • Placing non-skid surfaces on slippery floors

Pet owners, being experts on their dogs' behaviour, should not dismiss even minor changes. If anything seems unusual, consulting with a veterinarian is crucial for timely intervention.

Explore our selection of supplements here, designed to promote joint health in dogs. While it may not provide a cure for arthritis in canines, these products are formulated to offer valuable support. Our offerings include renowned brands such as Joint Guard, Sashas Blend, PAW By Blackmores, Rose Hip Vital, and Synoquin. These supplements are crafted to contribute to the overall well-being and joint care of your beloved pets.

20th Nov 2023

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